Some time ago, I needed to come up with a little something for the Awana leaders in our church. These wonderful people give their Wed evenings to about 30+ kids each week. Since it's men and women leading, I was trying to find something that the men could use to send a card to the kids and it not be "girly" - so I got out my frog from the Pocket Fun and set to figure out what to do. It is at this time I realize I need to find some stamps I can use for the men in my life - but no time to order now, I'll make this work. I had purchased some cranberry crisp paper - had plenty of night of navy, a roll of thyme ribbon, some wiggly eyes and off I went. While these are not anything to "write home" about, they were my first attempt to do both the card sleeve and some cards to go in it. I did more of a postcard effort - knowing that men, if they used it, wouldn't want to write much. Every folder had 4 cards in it so the leaders could drop their kids a quick note. I'm not excited about this design but it was quick and they have been used! Which was the point. I really like the idea of having more of these card folders. They make a great gift! So I'm still learning! and having fun while I learn!!